

IMCA offers a rich palette of educational offers on a Bachelor, Master and PhD level.
Students writing their bachelor thesis under the supervision of IMCA professors have for their support a useful guideline for the thesis proposal and the writing of the thesis.

Bachelor in Communication with Specialisation in Business, Markets and Society

The Institute manages one of three areas of specialization in the Bachelor programme of the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society. The specialization in “Business, Markets and Society” is based on the assumption that doing business today means entering into conversation not only with customers, but also with competitors, public and private actors, and citizens. Issues such as sustainability, local-global relations, or the impact of technology on businesses and on the quality of our lives, require a dialogic and communication-centered management.

The specialization in Business, Markets and Society proposes an interdisciplinary, culture and communication-centered understanding of management that goes beyond single value management frameworks. Part of this focus is also an attention to multilingualism and a possibility to make meaningful cultural experiences through optional exchange programs with renowned universities (i.e. Hanken School of Economics, Virginia Tech).

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Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy

This Master programme brings marketing aims beyond customer satisfaction, to cater to individual and collective well-being. This allows marketers to pursue new business opportunities by improving customers’ economic as well as emotional, environmental, physical, and psychological well-being.

This program also covers new exchange systems, including access-based, circular, gift, and sharing economy, which have fostered gratuity, indirect reciprocity, and use as an alternative to ownership.

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Master in Corporate Communication

In an extremely dynamic environment, where society and markets are increasingly complex and interconnected, communication is key to understanding and giving meaning to business. More than ever, management occurs in conversations and interactions. 

Today’s organisations require professionals with cross-cutting management and communication competences. In this context Corporate Communication professionals help organisations to cultivate and protect their reputation, by engaging with internal and external stakeholders, and by nurturing and communicating the organisations’ purpose and identity.

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PhD in Communication Sciences

PhD students are enrolled in the PhD programme in Communication Sciences offered by the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society. They conduct research in the fields of marketing (e.g. consumer culture, consumption and sustainability, market studies) and at the interstices of organization studies and communication inquiring into phenomena of corporate communication (e.g. reputation, image, identity), and organizational communication (e.g. role of communication for coordination, innovation, knowledge processes, organizational attention).

Funding Opportunities:

  • Corporate funded: employment as a teaching and research assistant
  • Project funded: participation in an SNF funded research project led by a professor
  • Personal scholarships: Personal career grants provided, e.g. or ESKAS,
  • Privately funded: external PhD

USI offers mobility grants allowing doctoral students a research stay at prime universities worldwide and improving their scientific profiles.

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