
Action Week against Racism 2022

Institutional Communication Service

For the Action Week against Racism, Università della Svizzera italiana will host the travelling exhibition "Racism and Discrimination", a round table entitled "One is born anti-racist. One becomes racist. Racism and antiracism in Ticino", and the screening of the film "Dove bisogna Stare".

The Action Week against Racism takes place every year around 21 March in various cantons. It is traditionally marked by multiple events that recall the importance of the fight against racism and the prevention of racial discrimination. As part of the cultural project Convergence and Distance promoted by the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, USI has planned some moments of in-depth study:

  •  From 18 to 28 March 2022, the foyer of the Aula Magna will host the travelling exhibition "Racism and Discrimination", created by the students of the graphic design course of the Centro Scolastico per le Industrie Artistiche (CSIA), featuring drawings, posters, texts and musings on the subject.
  • Monday, 21 March 2022, from 6 pm to 7:30 pm, USI Aula Magna will host the round table open to the public "One is born anti-racist. One becomes racist. Racism and antiracism in Ticino", moderated by Luca M. Visconti, Dean of USI Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, with the participation of: 

    - Michela Trisconi, Cantonal Delegate for the integration of foreigners;
    - Jolanta Drzewiecka, Associate Professor of critical intercultural communication at USI;
    - Henry Siqueira Anthropologist and freelance journalist;
    - Gabriela Giuria, Human Rights Foundation Project Development Manager;
    - Aldo Sofia, Journalist;
    - Chiara Guerzoni, Head of Human Rights Education and Activism at Amnesty International;
    - Sonja Hildebrand, Pro-rector of Equal Opportunities at USI.
  • At the end of the exhibition, on Monday, 28 March 2022, at the Aula Magna, USI invites to the screening of the documentary film "Dove bisogna stare", directed by Daniele Gaglianone and Stefano Collizzolli.

We would also like to remind that, starting from the spring of 2022, the Goren Monti Ferrari Foundation will establish, with the support of Università della Svizzera italiana, a special Observatory to receive and record anti-Semitic episodes in Southern Switzerland. Such episodes will then be reported to the SIG and included in the report on anti-Semitism 2022.