
USI Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society celebrates online its 93 new graduates

Institutional Communication Service

The autumn graduation ceremony of USI Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society took place on Friday, 13 November 2020. Given the public health situation related to Covid 19, the event was held - as it was last spring - remotely: with the help of modern digital technologies, the 93 names of recent Bachelor, Master and PhD graduates from 11 different nationalities were proclaimed, and awards for the best final averages were handed out.

The ceremony, led by the presenter Julie Arlin, opened with a welcome address by USI Rector Boas Erez, followed by the speech of the new Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Luca Visconti. The graduates - of 11 nationalities - were awarded 4 doctoral degrees, 49 Master's degrees and 40 Bachelor's degrees, for a total of 93 degrees in Communication, Culture and Society and Interfaculty, i.e. obtained by following joint study courses with the Faculty of Economics.

The awards for the best Bachelor and Master graduates were awarded as follows:

  • ABB Award to the best Bachelor's degree Viola De Nardi (final average: 9.32)
  • ABB Award to the best Master's degree Laura Godenzi (Master in Marketing, final average: 9.67)
  • Alma Bacciarini Award to the best Bachelor's degree in Italian Language, Literature and Culture Cecilia Soresina (final average: 9.63)
  • Alma Bacciarini Award to the best Master's degree in Italian lLanguage, Literature and Culture Giorgia Tavernini (final average: 9.55)

Following is a complete list of the new graduates including their nationality and study path.

Some shots of the online event are available on the website TiPress



Bachelor in Italian Language, Literature and Culture
1. Gaetano Cascino, Italy
2. Anca Cefan Robbiani, Switzerland, Romania
3. Matteo Giottonini, Switzerland
4. Stefano Macario,  Italy
5. Marta Pizzagalli,  Italy
6. Jasmine Sargenti, Switzerland
7. Martina Vajro, Switzerland

Bachelor in Communication Sciences
1. Stephanie Acquadro, Switzerland
2. Giorgia Bernasconi, Switzerland
3. Luca Boncore,  Italy
4. Matilde Camnasio,  Italy
5. Aurora Camorani,  Italy
6. Claudia Carrubba,  Italy
7. Amedeo Conconi, Switzerland
8. Nathalie Danzi, Switzerland
9. Viola De Nardi,  Italy
10. Martina Denti,  Italy
11. Giordano Ferrari, Switzerland
12. Filomena Melania Giordano,  Italy
13. Ilaria Giudici, Switzerland
14. Martina Koley, Switzerland
15. Blerina Kolgeci,  Italy
16. Letizia Lentini, Switzerland
17. Giorgia Macario,  Italy
18. Sara Mafezzini,  Italy
19. Giacomo Mastromarino, Switzerland
20. Carlotta Megioranza,  Italy
21. Carola Melillo,  Italy
22. Misel Mijic, Switzerland
23. Yoana Miteva, Bulgaria
24. Cecilia Molo, Switzerland
25. Giorgia Pati,  Italy
26. Giulio Rezzonico, Switzerland
27. Alexandra Scheibler, Switzerland
28. Saskia Schmidiger, Switzerland
29. Serenella Sibilia, Switzerland
30. Chloé Simona, Switzerland
31. Nora Spiatta,  Italy
32. Francesca Staempfli, Switzerland, Italy
33. Alice Tognetti, Switzerland



Master of Arts

Master in Italian Language, Literature and Culture
1. Sabrina Canali, Switzerland
2. Caterina Corapi,  Italy
3. Guido Grilli, Switzerland
4. Cristina Ruggiero,  Italy
5. Giorgia Tavernini,  Italy
6. Alessio Zanichelli,  Italy

Master in Philosophy
1. Giuseppe Colonna, Italy
2. Marco Marabello, Italy
3. Emanuele Martinelli,  Italy
4. Federica Orestina Sbiroli, Italy
5. Marco Tosca,  Italy

Master in Communication Sciences

Master in Digital Fashion Communication
1. Laura Cadenazzi,  Italy
2. Nicole Desideri,  Italy
3. Camilla Di Resta,  Italy
4. Federica Fava,  Italy
5. Hannah Giessler, Germany
6. Lucrezia Guidato,  Italy
7. Chloé Hay, Francia
8. Sofia Patanella,  Italy
9. Isabella Pezzè,  Italy
10. Olga Sironi, Italy
11. Giulia Tettamanti,  Italy

Master in Media Management
1. Andrea Briga,  Italy
2. Fiorenza Agnese Rosa Conforti, Switzerland
3. Michele Gandolfi, Switzerland
4. Davide Mina,  Italy
5. Cristiana Pizzetti, Switzerland

Master in Communication Sciences and Economics

Master in Corporate Communication
1. Elisa Battistella,  Italy
2. Raphael Dobmann, Switzerland
3. Corinne Gobert, Switzerland
4. Jeanine Alessia Gössi, Switzerland
5. Elena Rivoira,  Italy
6. Livia Schönenberger, Switzerland
7. Medea Trisconi, Switzerland
8. Teresa Weller, Germania
9. Chen Yue, China

Master in Marketing
1. Paolo Bortone, Germany
2. Andrea Comis,  Italy
3. Pia Job, Svizzera, Finland
4. Murat Kızıleniş, Turkey
5. Lucrezia Nessi, Switzerland
6. Alessandro Schiavone, Switzerland
7. Gaia Vanvuchelen, Switzerland

Master in Marketing and Transformative Economy
1. Chiara Danielon,  Italy
2. Martina Drinjak, Switzerland, Croatia
3. Ginevra Mamoli,  Italy
4. Chiara Marconi, Switzerland
5. Federica Negri,  Italy
6. Sara Petrelli,  Italy



Doctor of Philosophy in Communiction Sciences
1. Sofia Adami,  Italy
2. Sebastian Knebel, Switzerland, Germany
3. Mario Dominik Schultz, Germany
4. Emma van Bijnen, The Netherlands